Sophia Valentine:
Sultry Stunner

Sophia Valentine’s performances are a sensual dance of seduction, each movement exuding a magnetic charm that leaves the audience spellbound. Her stage presence is as sultry as the city itself, making every moment a celebration of desire.

  • Height: 5’5”
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Bust: 32B
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Location: Las Vegas, NV
  • Languages Spoken: English
  • 1 hour = $330
  • 2 hours = $630
  • 3 hours = $900
  • 4 hours = $1120

*For any time beyond 4 hours (including daily/weekly quotes), simply call/text us.


Hello guys/girls, my name is Sophia Valentine! 😉

A little about myself – I am very outgoing and I get along with everyone, super open-minded and love to laugh! I can promise you’ll never have a dull time with me. I love to dance to all kinds of music and love dressing up and taking care of my man.


Coming soon!



Fantasy Date


Fantasy Date – Sophia Valentine

Sophia Valentine is the embodiment of an outgoing spirit and an open mind. She possesses a magnetic charm that allows her to connect with everyone, creating an atmosphere that’s filled with warmth and inclusivity.

Sophia Valentine can assure you that every moment spent in her company will be anything but dull. Her sense of humor and love for laughter infuse every encounter with a playful and vibrant energy, ensuring that each night with her is an adventure to remember.

Sophia’s love for dancing extends beyond the stage. She’s a master of movement who can create an experience that leaves hearts racing. Her ability to connect through dance transcends boundaries and forms a connection that’s unforgettable.

Fantasy Date – Sophia Valentine

Sophia Valentine is the embodiment of an outgoing spirit and an open mind. She possesses a magnetic charm that allows her to connect with everyone, creating an atmosphere that’s filled with warmth and inclusivity.

Sophia Valentine can assure you that every moment spent in her company will be anything but dull. Her sense of humor and love for laughter infuse every encounter with a playful and vibrant energy, ensuring that each night with her is an adventure to remember.

Sophia’s love for dancing extends beyond the stage. She’s a master of movement who can create an experience that leaves hearts racing. Her ability to connect through dance transcends boundaries and forms a connection that’s unforgettable.

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